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Wednesday 9th October


Peter Allen

Through The Stage Door.


Is there anything more exciting than the smell of the greasepaint and the roar of the crowd?  Since the first playhouse opened in 1576, the theatres of London have ruled the theatrical world.

Wednesday 13th November

The Annual Meeting and Christmas Crafts.


Members will have the opportunity to review the year’s programme of activities and events. The previous year’s Financial Statement will be presented for adoption and there will be the vote for our President.

Wednesday 11th December

A Christmas Celebration.


Join us for a fun-filled festive evening.  Dinner, fizz, games and gifts.  Wear your Christmas jumper.

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Wednesday 8th January. 


Paul Henry.

​From Fleece to Pleats.


Paul is a demonstrator and trainer at The Weald and Downland Living Museum.  He will introduce us to the world of kilt making and tartan.


Wednesday 12th February. 


Sarah Slater.

Kirtles, Corsets and Curtains.


Sarah is a tour guide at Hampton Court Palace, a guide lecturer and a public speaker.  She will talk about her journey into costuming and the levels of authenticity involved with making period costumes to wear as a tour guide.  She will tell us how the 'perfect' silhouette has changed over time and how women have striven to attain it using foundation garments.


Wednesday 12th March.


The Rev’d Dr. Nicholas Henderson.

England’s Legendary History.


The Giant of Cerne Abbas, King Arthur, Beowulf, St George, Robin Hood, Hereward the Wake and Lady Godiva.  Nicholas has lectured widely on international and historical issues and has a particular interest in making history relevant.

Wednesday 9th April. 


Paul Hudson.

The Kings of Swing.


Paul is a professional vocalist with experience of many years singing and performing live. He was formerly one of the main singers with “Rocky Sharpe and the Replays” whose top twenty hits include “Ramalama Ding Dong” and “Shout Shout”.


Wednesday 14th May.


The Resolution Meeting.

More info coming soon!


Wednesday 11th June. 


Jason Sandy.

Mudlarks: Treasures from the Thames.


You won't believe what mudlarks have found in the River Thames!  For over 2,000 years, millions of objects have been dropped in its waters and lie submerged in the thick, dense mud.  Jason, a debonair architect turned developer is one of a new, elite band of mudlarks.


Wednesday 9th July.


Susan Purcell.

The Ups and Downs of Crosswords.


Doing crosswords is a popular pastime, but there is a lot more to crosswords than you might think.  Crosswords aren’t only about fun and killing time – the intelligence services have frequently shown an interest in crosswords, and so have revolutionary and subversive groups.  Susan teaches a variety of interactive crossword workshops.


Wednesday 13th August. 


Margaret Watson.

Life on a Harp String.


Margaret is a professional concert harpist and an accredited lecturer for the Arts Society.  She will perform a light-hearted, informal and very varied programme of music, interspersed with stories and information about the harp.


Wednesday 10th September. 


Hayley Scott.

A day in the life of a Metropolitan Police crime scene investigator.


Hayley is a former Crime Scene Examiner with over 14 years of experience working with the Metropolitan Police.  She will tell us all about the life of a CSI and what actually happens behind the crime scene tape.

Wednesday 8th October.


More info coming soon!

Wednesday 12th November.


The Annual Meeting.

More info coming soon!

Wednesday 10th December.


The Christmas Party.

Please join us for some festive fun!

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